Sunday, June 20, 2010

Dave drops by.../ Sneak Peek

Publisher of Grubbmaster Pieces happened to stop by a the comic shop I was working at. With hope in his eyes and a determined grin, he decided that Grubbmaster Pieces could still be salvaged. He went in to Collectors Image to put his books on the shelves. Only one problem. There was a bit of competition with the latest issue of Dorks. In a humiliating defeat, he was forced to pose with his publishing and mine.

All joking aside, these were times where the little guys were fighting to get shelf space with the big boys. Collectors Image was a place that embraced this idea and had an entire shelf dedicated to the little guys. Dorks though, got top billing and was placed rite next to the register. I really don't remember how Grubbmaster Pieces fared at the shop. I just know sadly it wasn't enough to warrant a third issue. Something to this day I still wished happened.

Here's a quick peek at an upcoming project. From the pages of Grubbmaster Pieces, a retelling and re-imaging of Razura. I'm keeping the format of this project under wraps as it's going to be something of an idea of what Dave and I have been trying to do for ages.

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