Wednesday, October 22, 2008

The Original Dorks TP

In high school my biggest ambition was to break in to the comic book business. Most of it really started my freshman year drawing a comic called Imp. That whole thing spiraled into what is now going to be The Fighter series. The funny part is that Imp and the other characters are no longer part of that world. I think it was my sophomore year that I began working on Dorks. I did a dumb three page comic that made no sense, followed by a series of strips that introduced the Dorks gang. After that I did my first full issue (twelve pages long). I started on the second issue and quit after two pages. I redid the series with another twelve page comic that was fully inked. When I started working on the second issue I realized that the story was so far removed from what I wanted. I quit a second time. Third times the charm and a brand new twenty two page comic fully inked was born. All three of those books and the short stories and strips were collected in these two volumes from Idiot Press. I didn't produce many of them due to the major flaw of just completing the first issue and selling that product and then selling a trade with the same thing in it.

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