Tuesday, March 9, 2010

The Fighter

After Dave Gruba asked me to contribute to Grubmaster Pieces, I went to work on getting Dorks set up for him. After much discussion with alot of people convincing me that Dave was going to steal my characters I put Dorks aside and started to polish up some of my other stuff that I didn't care too much to lose. Little do people know that before I settled on contributing Rebels, I was going to work on The Fighter.

This page is a photo copy of a work in progress (wip) page. I have no other copies nor the original to this page. I came across this as I was doing some cleaning and it was in one of my notebooks. I'd love to see the whole page again but I know that'll never happen.

Before all of these there were two full comics of Imp, later renamed Rebels, later renamed Razura. There was also a spinoff comic called Vapor. Those books included The Fighter and several other characters that never really made it past my highschool years. One day I'm still hopeful to find those pages as they were last seen at my parents home.


GrubbMaster said...

You mean I could have stolen The Fighter.

Idiot Press Comics said...

I changed my mind afterwards (especially cause I couldn't draw people, still can't). If you remember though, The Fighter appeared at the end of Rebels #2 in Grubbmaster Pieces. You shure don't remember your own publications.

GrubbMaster said...

I do remember. He was in the very last page. But who knew who he was? Too bad we didn't finish the 3rd issue. The Fighter could have been mine!