Back in the day my first outsource for comics was a local shop called Collectors Image. That store was what I still believe comic book shops should be. It really was a hangout and the environment was great. The decor was top notch memorabilia and there were just rows upon rows of comic books. This is actually the first comic book store that fed and fueled my every indy need. I was opened up to fantastic worlds of Usagi Yojimbo, The Tick, ZOT!, The Crow, Tales of the Beanworld, Scud the Disposable Assassin and on and on. I can just keep on name dropping all the hot indy books that the world later discovered and fell in love with.
The store owner was kind enough to allow me to set up a little stand on his counter and display and sell my comic book, Dorks. This was really a time where I felt I was part of the business. I was even featured in their newsletter and did an in store signing.
I had the opportunity to have that similar experience recently at Alternate Reality ( and it's something that I don't think I'd ever get tired of. When there are comic shop owners out there that care that much about the industry it puts a smile on my face.